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10 Things to Consider when Traveling Overseas with a Baby for the First Time

Ireland, 2019

Just because you had a baby does not mean that you have to put your life of travel and exploration on hold. Here is a list of things to consider if you desire to take a long journey with a little one.

Talk to Your Pediatrician

1) Talk to Your Pediatrician: I remember when my baby suffered from his very first runny nose. He was just a few months old, and I was that paranoid new mom that called the doctor right away. As a side note, there is nothing wrong with being a little overprotective when your baby is a baby. They are literally depending on you for EVERYTHING, including staying alive. So, before you take any trip overseas, it never hurts to get a little input from the pediatrician. Let them know where you are going and if they have any tips. You never know. They might mention something that you haven’t thought of.


2) Vaccines: Look up the place you are going to see if you or your baby may need to take any vaccines. The CDC website is a great resource for that. When our son was ten months old, we traveled to Cambodia. Because he was before the age of one, he had already received many of the vaccines that are required, but he did need to receive a very small dose for Typhoid. You can check with your local hospital to see if they offer vaccine services and travel medicine.

Health/ Travel Insurance

3) Health/ Travel Insurance: Many of the U.S. health insurance companies do not cover you outside of the U.S.. However, many countries have much more affordable health care than the U.S., so it might not be a big deal if you have to visit the hospital for something minor. However, if you want something that brings you a little more security, your most affordable option is World Nomad Travel Insurance: . A standard plan for one baby for a month will cost you a little less than a hundred U.S. dollars. You should take note that this insurance primarily covers emergency situations.

Passport information for Babies

Kep, Cambodia

4) Babies Need a Passport: We had our son’s passport made when he was around six months, and it will be good for five years. Some post offices will have staff who are specifically designated for passport applications and renewals. We had our passport pictures taken at Walmart. It was quick and easy. Although, you should try to make the appointment when your baby is calm. When they get their picture taken they will need to be looking at the camera, so try to schedule it after their nap time, or after a full belly. 

Information on Flying with your Car Seat

5) Pack Your Car Seat: Though car seats can be chunky and hard to carry, you will need it when you get to your destination. The plus side is that most airlines will allow you to check it at the gate for free, without it being added to your carry-on limit. You may also want to purchase a travel bag for your car seat. We found a good one online for about twenty dollars. Be sure to read the reviews so that the bag does not fall apart after one trip. 

Packing for a Baby

6) Pack a Little More Than you Think is Necessary: As anyone who has a baby can tell you, there is no such thing as packing light. From going to a friend’s house to the grocery store, a baby travels with a bag of necessary items. When traveling overseas with a baby, it is important to remind yourself that they are unpredictable, so if you are thinking that ten outfits are good pack fifteen. Also, think about where you might be going. Is it hot or cold? Will they have the formula or the diapers that you like to use? If they won’t, or if you’re not sure, pack as much as you need to last you for the trip.

 Depending on where we were in Cambodia, diapers were not easily accessible. If we went to the local market, sometimes they only had one bag left of my son’s size. I was grateful that I invested in some reusable diapers before we left.

Nap Time

7) Nap Time: When you are traveling with a baby, one of the most dreaded parts of the day is their nap time. If you have been around a fussy baby who is in need of a good nap then I know you understand. 

 I have a few pieces of advice for this one.

 #1Try to schedule your sightseeing times around nap time. My son has been to some amazing museums and parks. He even visited Buckingham Palace! He may have been asleep during those times, but I am grateful for our own uninterrupted time. 

#2 Have you and your partner take turns staying in the hotel while the other one ventures out on their own for an hour.

#3 Embrace them. Realize that you are on vacation, and take the time to rest with your baby.

Traveling Oversees with your Stroller

Our Trip to Ireland
A stroller also doubles as a luggage carrier 🙂

8) Bring a Stroller: Strollers are a wonderful thing when you are trying to carry a baby and multiple bags through an airport. They can also be used as a mobile nap time solution. If you don’t feel like going back to the hotel, you can have the baby sleep in the stroller, so you can be free to peruse the city center. 

Talk to your Hotel Ahead of time about Traveling with your Baby

9) Inform Your Hotel Ahead of Time: Make sure that your hotel knows that you have a baby. They may have a crib that you can borrow, or they may even give you a free upgrade and a larger room. If you find out that there will not be a crib available, one of the best things that we invested in was the Lotus travel crib and bassinet from Guava. . My son is now 3, and he will still sleep in this when we go away. The crib is incredibly spacious. 

Pack a Few New Toys

10) Pack a Few New Toys: Contrary to popular belief, babies can be pretty easy to travel with. Before they reach a certain age, they are not very mobile, and they sleep on the go; however, there will be some moments when they need a little more stimulation. In this case, it’s good to pack a few new toys to help keep them entertained on those long flights. 

As you are planning your family trip, I hope that you find this list helpful. With all the stresses you may face, remember to think about the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that you are offering your little ones.

Looking out onto Bokor Mountain. Kampot, Cambodia

Are you on a limited budget? Check out this next post: How to Travel the World with your Family on a Limited Budget

As Always,

Happy Adventuring!